
Friday, November 4, 2011

Game this Week Nov 5th : Manchester United vs Sunderland

Tomorrow, we will have a game against Sunderland on the Premier League competition. It is expected to be a difficult game because we have already lost many critical players including Owen and Abderson for the Champion League game this Wednesday against Otezil. Also, we would not have the service of Carrick, Ashley Young, Ryan Giggs, and Tom Cleverley because of injuries. We are deliberately need to win this game not only to continue blowing pressure Manchester City who is currently standing on the top of the table but also to use the winner as the present for Sir Alex Ferguson for his 25-years anniversary this Sunday!

Tribute to Sir Alex Ferguson - 25 Years Anniversary

If you are a real Manucian, you must know Sir Alex Ferguson, the manager of Manchester United. Today we celebrate the 25 years anniversary of Sir Alex Ferguson!
Yes, we called him Sir for not only because he was given the Knight title by the princess of England but also because he is the greatest man and coach of Manchester United and in the world. During 25 years working for Manchester United, Sir Alex led Manchester United as an average-level club of England in the past to become the most successful club in England and one of the biggest force of the world soccer. Wherever you go, you would find someone who is a fan or at least know the club. Indeed, Sir Alex Ferguson has been working for Manchester United for 25 years the longest working period of for one soccer club to any coach. Alex Ferguson has brought home to the club a total of 39 championship winners which including 12 Premier League and 2 European Champion League. Below here is the video clip which briefly retell the first few years when Sir Alex came to the club:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Statistical Research for Finance

In Finance, you have to research information a lot. Because the economy as a whole will affect your financial planning or analysis, it is very important that you know what is going on the the economy and how it is expected to proceed. One of the biggest topics being concerned is GDP, unemployment rate, inflation, and interest rate. These are the most basic and the most dominant factors that affect the economy or reflect how the economy is. Fortunately, the Federal Reserve has all these information and provide them all to the public on its website. The Federal Reserve have 12 districts and each will specialize in researching an area. For example, District 12 of San Fransisco specialize in researching Asia area. District 8 (St. Louis) specialize in researching the economy of U.S. As the result, if you want to find information about GDP, unemployment rate, interest rate, and inflation rate, you can find it at the website of District 8. Here is the link: http://www.stlouisfed.org/. 
In fact, from the website I found the graph for GDP of U.S. as below: 
 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of Economic Analysis. http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/GDPhttp://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/GDP

Build Your Own Computer!!!

If you are a person who like to create or design your own things, you would love to hear me tell you now that you can easily build your own computer! I just found out a website call newegg.com. From the website, you can buy individual components of a computer. You just need to buy all the components and put them together. The nice thing about this is that you can specialize your computer based on your favorites. For example, if you view speed is the most important, you can spend more money on the Ram and Processor. Do not worry if you do not know all the components of a computer because the website has many video clips which tell you exactly what to buy to build your own computer. Also, whenever you add an item into your cart, the site would always recommend other items that relate to the item you just chose. Here is one of the video clip produced by newegg.com about how to build a computer from scratch:

Google Doc

From my class, I just discovered that Google has an app called Google Doc which gives you access to basic features of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint. This is a very useful web-app. In my computer, I only have Microsoft 2003 and sometime my professors send me word or excel files of the new version 2007. Of course I could not open the files with my Microsoft 2003 in my computer. But I could use the Google Doc to open it and transfer to Microsoft Word or Excel 2003 files. In fact, if your computers do not have Microsoft Office at all, you can just use the Google Doc to create word or excel files.

Microsoft Word 2007 - Picture Tools

From my exercises in class, I just discovered that Microsoft Word 2007 have very nice features on its new picture tools. With these tools, you can make fliers just like professional. For example, one the format menu, click on Picture Tools, you can find many different picture frames that you can choose for your picture. There are even 3-D frames. Also, it is much more convinient hwen using the Microsoft Word 2007. Whenever you right-click your mouse, it show not only all of the tools as the old version always do but also add in many other tools such as Font type, size, .... help you can edit words in just a second. The coolest thing from Microsoft Word 2007 is the Document Properties. You can write the author/creator, tittle, keywords...of the work. It make is a way to tell the world that what the work is about and whom it belong to. After all, there are so many  interesting features about the Microsoft Word 2007 that I could not share them all with you. However, I hope that by sharing with you some of me interesting experiences with Microsoft Word 2007, you could find it interesting and find out more about it.

Learning Microsoft Excel 2007

I have been using Excel since I was about 13. At the time, I thought it could do almost anything already; thus, if there is an updated version, there should not much difference. That's why I had not used the 2007 version of Excel till now. Because I am taking CIDM1301 this semester, I have an opportunity to learn about Microsoft 2007 including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Access. I am amazed by how awesome the new version is as compared to the old version. So, I would like to share with you some interesting features about Microsoft 2007 I have learned in class. Because it would be a lot of I cover all interesting features of Microsoft 2007 at the same time. So I will divide it into several parts and each day I will share with you one topic.