
Thursday, November 3, 2011

Statistical Research for Finance

In Finance, you have to research information a lot. Because the economy as a whole will affect your financial planning or analysis, it is very important that you know what is going on the the economy and how it is expected to proceed. One of the biggest topics being concerned is GDP, unemployment rate, inflation, and interest rate. These are the most basic and the most dominant factors that affect the economy or reflect how the economy is. Fortunately, the Federal Reserve has all these information and provide them all to the public on its website. The Federal Reserve have 12 districts and each will specialize in researching an area. For example, District 12 of San Fransisco specialize in researching Asia area. District 8 (St. Louis) specialize in researching the economy of U.S. As the result, if you want to find information about GDP, unemployment rate, interest rate, and inflation rate, you can find it at the website of District 8. Here is the link: http://www.stlouisfed.org/. 
In fact, from the website I found the graph for GDP of U.S. as below: 
 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of Economic Analysis. http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/GDPhttp://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/GDP

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