
Friday, November 4, 2011

Game this Week Nov 5th : Manchester United vs Sunderland

Tomorrow, we will have a game against Sunderland on the Premier League competition. It is expected to be a difficult game because we have already lost many critical players including Owen and Abderson for the Champion League game this Wednesday against Otezil. Also, we would not have the service of Carrick, Ashley Young, Ryan Giggs, and Tom Cleverley because of injuries. We are deliberately need to win this game not only to continue blowing pressure Manchester City who is currently standing on the top of the table but also to use the winner as the present for Sir Alex Ferguson for his 25-years anniversary this Sunday!

Tribute to Sir Alex Ferguson - 25 Years Anniversary

If you are a real Manucian, you must know Sir Alex Ferguson, the manager of Manchester United. Today we celebrate the 25 years anniversary of Sir Alex Ferguson!
Yes, we called him Sir for not only because he was given the Knight title by the princess of England but also because he is the greatest man and coach of Manchester United and in the world. During 25 years working for Manchester United, Sir Alex led Manchester United as an average-level club of England in the past to become the most successful club in England and one of the biggest force of the world soccer. Wherever you go, you would find someone who is a fan or at least know the club. Indeed, Sir Alex Ferguson has been working for Manchester United for 25 years the longest working period of for one soccer club to any coach. Alex Ferguson has brought home to the club a total of 39 championship winners which including 12 Premier League and 2 European Champion League. Below here is the video clip which briefly retell the first few years when Sir Alex came to the club:

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Statistical Research for Finance

In Finance, you have to research information a lot. Because the economy as a whole will affect your financial planning or analysis, it is very important that you know what is going on the the economy and how it is expected to proceed. One of the biggest topics being concerned is GDP, unemployment rate, inflation, and interest rate. These are the most basic and the most dominant factors that affect the economy or reflect how the economy is. Fortunately, the Federal Reserve has all these information and provide them all to the public on its website. The Federal Reserve have 12 districts and each will specialize in researching an area. For example, District 12 of San Fransisco specialize in researching Asia area. District 8 (St. Louis) specialize in researching the economy of U.S. As the result, if you want to find information about GDP, unemployment rate, interest rate, and inflation rate, you can find it at the website of District 8. Here is the link: http://www.stlouisfed.org/. 
In fact, from the website I found the graph for GDP of U.S. as below: 
 Source: U.S. Department of Commerce: Bureau of Economic Analysis. http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/GDPhttp://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/GDP

Build Your Own Computer!!!

If you are a person who like to create or design your own things, you would love to hear me tell you now that you can easily build your own computer! I just found out a website call newegg.com. From the website, you can buy individual components of a computer. You just need to buy all the components and put them together. The nice thing about this is that you can specialize your computer based on your favorites. For example, if you view speed is the most important, you can spend more money on the Ram and Processor. Do not worry if you do not know all the components of a computer because the website has many video clips which tell you exactly what to buy to build your own computer. Also, whenever you add an item into your cart, the site would always recommend other items that relate to the item you just chose. Here is one of the video clip produced by newegg.com about how to build a computer from scratch:

Google Doc

From my class, I just discovered that Google has an app called Google Doc which gives you access to basic features of Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint. This is a very useful web-app. In my computer, I only have Microsoft 2003 and sometime my professors send me word or excel files of the new version 2007. Of course I could not open the files with my Microsoft 2003 in my computer. But I could use the Google Doc to open it and transfer to Microsoft Word or Excel 2003 files. In fact, if your computers do not have Microsoft Office at all, you can just use the Google Doc to create word or excel files.

Microsoft Word 2007 - Picture Tools

From my exercises in class, I just discovered that Microsoft Word 2007 have very nice features on its new picture tools. With these tools, you can make fliers just like professional. For example, one the format menu, click on Picture Tools, you can find many different picture frames that you can choose for your picture. There are even 3-D frames. Also, it is much more convinient hwen using the Microsoft Word 2007. Whenever you right-click your mouse, it show not only all of the tools as the old version always do but also add in many other tools such as Font type, size, .... help you can edit words in just a second. The coolest thing from Microsoft Word 2007 is the Document Properties. You can write the author/creator, tittle, keywords...of the work. It make is a way to tell the world that what the work is about and whom it belong to. After all, there are so many  interesting features about the Microsoft Word 2007 that I could not share them all with you. However, I hope that by sharing with you some of me interesting experiences with Microsoft Word 2007, you could find it interesting and find out more about it.

Learning Microsoft Excel 2007

I have been using Excel since I was about 13. At the time, I thought it could do almost anything already; thus, if there is an updated version, there should not much difference. That's why I had not used the 2007 version of Excel till now. Because I am taking CIDM1301 this semester, I have an opportunity to learn about Microsoft 2007 including Word, Excel, Powerpoint, and Access. I am amazed by how awesome the new version is as compared to the old version. So, I would like to share with you some interesting features about Microsoft 2007 I have learned in class. Because it would be a lot of I cover all interesting features of Microsoft 2007 at the same time. So I will divide it into several parts and each day I will share with you one topic.

Monday, October 31, 2011

Manchester United 1-6 Manchester City

What a horrible day for us, Manucians. The derby of Manchester has finished with the result of 1-6. yes! Can't believe it. I had been waiting to watch the game for weeks. I couldn't sleep that night till 4:00AM and wake up early and 6:00 to watch the game. I was so excited! However, 90 minutes watching the game only gave me sadness and disappointment. This is the biggest lost we have ever had to our City. To be honest, we lost completely. In my opinion, we lost the middle field to them. Without Tom Cleverley, we are not ourselves as before in the first month of the season. Anderson and Fletcher could not play at the same level with Silva who was excellent in the game. Rooney had to lower his position the middle field to help Anderson and Fletcher.
After the game, I wish we could have bought Sneijder. Even though Tom is playing very well, however, we should not completely dependent on him. If we have Sneijder, we would have two wonderful players and thus have a back up if we lose one because of injury!

Technology and Privacy

Since the early stage of the United States, privacy has always been one of the biggest concerns of Americans. Indeed, the American society value privacy significantly as one of he basic human rights. Nowadays technology has growth rapidly, information become so valuable that people called it the era of information. As the result, information privacy has emerged to be one of the biggest concern of the society today. Developed technology does not only make it extremely efficient for transferring information but also gives opportunity for information privacy invader. Let’s discover about information privacy issues along with the related laws.
First of all, what is the protection for privacy by law. Indeed, Even though privacy is always one of the biggest concern of American society, there is no where in the Constitution of the United States we would found the word privacy. Indeed, the privacy had never been explicitly recognized in the Constitution before the fourteenth Amendment. According to Paul Siegel, privacy is first explicitly recognized by the Constitution in 1965 in which the fourteenth Amendment was established to protect the constitutional right of privacy by “[telling] the government ‘it may not take away our life, liberty or property without due process of law’”(Paul 173).  In the other words, law enforcements agents may not violate privacy of others unless being authorized by the courts. For example, before searching a person’s house or property such as computer, policemen must have authorization from the court to get into his or her house.
In his book Communication Law in America, Paul Siegel revealed that after reviewing thousands of cases related to privacy right, William Prosser, who is now the dean of the University of California, Berkeley’s Law school, had come up with four separated torts privacy actions: appropriation, intrusion, false-light, and public disclosure. It is necessary to remind that these torts are not constitutional law; however, most states have adopted at least one of these four torts (Paul 175-177).
In his book, Paul writes: “Appropriation… consists of the unauthorized use of a person’s name or “likeness” – voice, picture, and the likes- for commercial purposes” (Paul 176). There are two grievanances of appropriation: finance and dignity. Regarding to financial grievanances, it would be wrong to use other’s information privacy to enrich yourselves because you are enriching in expense of others. The second grievances means that the victims’ reputations may be damaged as the result of the information privacy invasion (Paul 177). One interesting fact about the appropriation tort is that politicians would almost not protected by the appropriation tort. According to Paul, “politicians who sue over appropriations of their likenesses almost always lose, usually because courts conclude that the resulting “speech” is a form of political commentary” (Paul 196).
The second tort is intrusion which “refers to an invasion of one’s personal space” (Paul 176). For example, it would be a violation of privacy if one get into another’s house without permission. In fact, it would not be always easy to enforce law because there is some controversial issues that is hard to determine what would be the best appropriate actions. For instance, newspaper or magazines reporters usually must collect information about people who may not like to be watched. Movie stars may experience the problem most; we see on TV many scandals about their personal life. Would the reporters violate the privacy right or intrusion? Indeed, according to Paul Siegel’s Communication Law In America, ““there is generally no intrusion if the media capture images of scenes that any passerby could have seen (unless the media otherwise act egregiously” (Paul 207). That is, the law protected media to do their jobs as long as their acts are not egregious. Because if any passerby could have seen a scene, that scene should not be consider to highly personal information; thus, it would not be enough to call for intrusion.
Another tort is false-light which “…closely resemble libel actions, with the key distinction being that the statements made about the unwilling subject need not be technically defamatory” (Paul 176). So, similar to libel, plaintiff needs to show that there is false of statement or deception. However, it is different with libel that the plaintiff needs not to show that he or she is defamatory. Instead, she or he only needs to shows that she or he is humiliated or be embarrassed because of the false statement. As Paul writes: ““The false-light tort is similar to libel, except that the remarks that cast the plaintiff in a false lightened not be defamatory; they can simply be embarrassing (and false)” (Paul 216).
The last tort is Public disclosure. According to Paul, public disclosure “expresses the proposition that there are some kinds of highly personal but true information that no one has a right to publicize about us” (Paul 176).  For example, it may be a public disclose if some one post a highly personal picture of another on Internet. Even though the picture is a real one without fixing it, it may cause the person be embarrassed or damage his or her reputation.
Today, Internet become so popular that makes information rapidly exchange from one another. Internet connect millions of people together; thus, they have the access to get information from one another, especially websites operators. Understanding the potential problem that web operators may get information from customers and use it improperly; the government of the United States have established many regulations to prevent and fix the problems related to information privacy invasion. One of those are the requirement by the government for web operators to dispose customers’ information. According to the Bureau of Consumer Protection Business Center, “in an effort to protect the privacy of consumer information and reduce the risk of fraud and identity theft, a new federal rule is requiring businesses to take appropriate measures to dispose of sensitive information derived from consumer reports”(ftc.gov). For example, if you used to buy stuff from eBay; thus, you give the web operator your personal information including your debit card numbers. After a long period of time such as two years, you have not use the web site to buy things anymore. Because you have not been using the web for a long period of time, the web operator should dispose your personal information including your debit card information. Because there is potential chance that some hacker can go to the web site to steal your information. So, it is better off for you if the company get rid of your information on the page.
In general, information is a property and it would be violation of privacy right if some one disclose your information without permission. However, because we all live in a society where anyone communicate and thus share information with one another; thus, the chance that some information may be disclose appropriately without violation of law. The government of United States have identified several situations that some information can be disclosed without violating the law. According to the Privacy Act of 1974, the government list several conditions of disclosure that would not violate the law. The first condition is that the disclosure of information “to those officers and employees of the agency which maintains the record who have a need for the record in the performance of their duties” (www.jutice.gov). It is reasonable because without the access to information, the employees have no way to store and manage the information of others. The privacy is still there because the employees may not share the information with people from outside and they are also not personally know the customers. Another important condition of disclosure is when the disclosure is “to a recipient who has provided the agency with advance adequate written assurance that the record will be used solely as a statistical research or reporting record, and the record is to be transferred in a form that is not individually identifiable” (www.justice.gov). Every day, we hear form the media about unemployment rate or other statistical results. In fact, all the statistical result come from a pool of information that the companies or agencies collect from individuals mostly without their knowledge. For example, the Bureau of the Census usually collect information about you to know how much on average Americans make a year. They may acquire your tax income information from IRS or other government agencies to get the result. It may not violate the privacy rights because such action is accepted by law. Moreover, in general sense, it is also appropriate because the using of information is appropriate and beneficial for anyone.
As we are living in the era of information, information privacy always one of the biggest concerns of our society today. Indeed, the better we get to know about information privacy, the better we are protected and benefit from technology today. Because we need to share. As I have shown above, the government of United States recognized the issues of information privacy and have issued many regulation regarding to the topic. Understanding and get to know these regulation may help you better use the information without violating the law and also have a better knowledge of what protection you have when you share information with others.
Works Cited
Paul Siegel. Communication Law In Amaerica. 2008. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers, Inc. Second Edition. Book.
“Disposing of Consumer Report Information? New Rule Tells How.” Ftc.gov. June 2005. Bureau of Consumer Protection Businesss Center. October 17, 2011. <http://business.ftc.gov/documents/alt152-disposing-consumer-report-information-new-rule-tells-how>
“The Privacy Act of 1974.” www.justice.gov. The United States Department of Justice. October 17, 2011. <http://www.justice.gov/opcl/privstat.htm>

Saturday, October 15, 2011

Liverpool 1-1 Manchester United

Such an exciting game. Playing at Anfield, we have draw to Liverpool. I watch the game entirely and to be honest. I'm happy with the result. Liverpool who had home field advantage did play well and keep the ball a lot. They lead by Gerrard's goal on the second half. However, we have proved that we are the champions. We did not give up and level out with Chicharito's goal 10 minutes after getting on the field replacing Asley Young. After all, we lost the first place to Manchester City, but we will have the chance to get it back because we will play against City next Sunday at Old Traford. Let's show them we are Glory Manchester United, the most successful club in England.

Waiting to watch: Manchester United vs Manchester City!!! October 23.

For now, let's watch the game's trailer. We are 8 days away from the game.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Computer Rootkit

Today is the era of technology. People use computer and technology everywhere at anytime. Indeed, it is easy to see th is the era of technology. Technology has made lives easier; however, it also has problems. Computer crimes such as privacy violation came out as technology grows. Malwares such as virus, worms… becamse a concern in the society today. Among those is rootkit, one of the most dangerous malware. Let’s discover more about rootkit.
First of all, what is a rootkit? According to the Shelly’s book Discovering Computers and Microsoft Office 207, a rootkit is “a program that hides in a computer and allows someone from a remote location to take full control of the computer” (Shelly 184). In fact, the term “rootkit” came from UNIX system. The term is divided into 2 parts: “root” and “kit.” Like physical roots of a tree, “root” here is implied administrator privileges of operating systems. The “kit” means the programs enters an operating system made up of more tools.[1] In short, rootkit is like a virus will manipulate other users’ computer by attacking the deepest level of operating system and then gain control of it.
Rootkit first came in early 1990s. According to Patrick Dickey, the first person use rootkit is rumored to be Lance Davis and Steve Duke. They are believed to be the first persons using rootkit when inserting a rootkit into a Sun Microsystems version of SunOS.2 

Today, there are many types of rootkit available. The newest rootkit is Mebromi, “a new rootkit that targets computers’ BIOS making the infection harder to detect and eradicate, and persist even if the hard drive is physically replaced.” 3

So, how to prevent computers from being affected by root kits? To answer the question, it need to know how rootkit get into computers. The typical way root kits enter computers is through its physical installation on a computer “after first obtaining user-level access, either by exploiting a known vulnerability or cracking a password.”4 As the result, the best way to protect your computers from rootkit is to make sure unauthorized users could not gain the access to your computers. To do so, you need to have strong password and make sure they can not use your computers when it is already logged on.
Even though you try your best to prevent your computers from rootkit; there is chances that some root kits may already get into your computers without your consent. So, you should detect to find and remove rootkit if available. There are many types of rootkit detectors available such as Sysinternals, Tripwire, RKHunter, and Chkrootkit. In fact, even though you use one of those software to detect and remove root kits, “the only sure way to get rid if it is to completely erase the computer’s hard drive and reinstall the operating system.”3
It is interesting to know that one of the most famous technology companies even attach root kits to their products and sell to customers, gaining controls of customers’ computers. It is the case of Sony. Recently, Sony has been sued by many states including Texas and California for its copy-protection technology. According to the article “Sony Sued for Rootkit Copy Protection” by Gregg Keizer, Attorney Alan of California filed a class-action lawsuit against Sony BMG Music Entertainment, claming that the company has violated “anti-fraud statues and a third that forbids anyone placing spyware on a computer.”5


1. “What Is Rootkit?” Avg.com. AVG Technologies. 2011. Web. September 30, 2011. <http://www.avg.com/ww-en/faq.num-2353>

2. Patrick Dickey. “What is Rootkit.” Brighthub.com. 2011. Bright Hub Inc. Web. September 30, 2011. < http://www.brighthub.com/computing/smb-security/articles/42780.aspx>

3. “BIOS Rootkit Found in the Wild.” Net-security.org. 2011. Help Net Security. Web. September 30, 2011. < http://www.net-security.org/malware_news.php?id=1837>

4. “Rootkit.” SearchMidmarketSecurity.com. Tech Target. 2011. Web. September 30, 2011http://searchmidmarketsecurity.techtarget.com/definition/rootkit

5. Gregg Keizer. “Sony Sued for Rootkit Copy Protection.” Informationweek.com. 2011. UBM TechWeb. Web. September 30, 2011 < http://www.informationweek.com/news/173601748>

6. Shelly Cashman. Discovering Computers and Microsoft Office 2007. 2009. Cengage Learning.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Update: Manchester United in Champion League

What a week for us! After the wonderful start with all victories in Premiership, we got the 1st draw against Stoke City last Saturday and today is another draw against Basel in Champion League.  However, I still confident about the team's campaign so far. We still on the first place of the Premiership table with the same points with Manchester City. In champion league, even though we only have 2 points after 2 games, it's still not so bad because all the 3 teams are not very strong. We still have a big chance to win to table round with the 1st place. Let's watch match highlights of the last 2 games:

ManchesterUnited 3-3 Basel

Stoke City 1-1 Manchester United

Risk & Return

Anyone used to hear the saying: “No risk no reward.” Indeed, risk and return are always linked together. In finance, an investments with high risk always implies high reward. So what is the relationship between risk and reward.
According to the text book Fundamental of Financial Management by Brigham, the formula for quoted interest rate is as follow:
            Quoted Interest Rate = r = r* + IP + DRP + LP + MRP
            r*: the real risk-free of interest.
            IP: inflation premium which is the premium to take risk of inflation.
DRP: default risk, the premium for taking risk of default which occurs when debtors or companies invested could not pay money back to investors.
LP: liquidty premium, the premium for taking the risk of liquidity which is the ability of converting securities to money.
MRP: maturity risk premium which is the premium paying for risk of maturity.
After all, this is the basic formula for investors to estimate normal interest rate or normal return for investments. They will base on economic and financial conditions to estimate r*, IP, DRP, LP, and MRP in order to have an expected normal return.

Eugene F. Brigham. Fundamental of Financial Management. 2009. South Western Centrage Learning. Page 168-169.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Discovering Windows 7 Home Premium

I did not have my first computer till I was in high school. I still remembered the first day I had my own personal computer (a Compaq laptop); I stared at the laptop with all my excitement of the new technology that would bring me to the world and spent my whole day with it. Indeed, computers played in impact on my life since after I started using it because I could discover many things about the world from Internet. Through youtube, online news…I am connect to the wide world. In fact, I could not remember the model or the version of Windows of my first laptop; however, I am using Sony laptop which uses Windows 7 Home Premium. At first, I did not even now what Windows operating system is or why it is important. Fortunately, I take CIDM course in school and discovers many interesting things about operating system, especially Windows 7 Home Premium that I am using. Let’s discover it!

            Before exploring Windows 7 Home Premium, we should need to understand what operating system is. From Shelly Cashman’s textbook Discovering Computers & Microsoft Office 2007, the academic definition of an operating system is “a set of programs containing instructions that work together to coordinate alll the activities among computer hardware resources” (Shelly 137). Following is an image illustrated how operating system relate to other parts of a computer: 
Source: wikipedia.com <http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Operating_system>

To illustrate, one could compare the role of an operating system to a computer with the role of a coach to a football team. The coach is the one who connects all parts of the team together from physical training staff to individual players. Without a coach, a football team will only be separated individuals and they will not be called a team. Windows 7 is the most effective operating system produced by Microsoft Inc. Windows 7 has several versions including Windows 7 Basic, Windows 7 Home Premium, Windows 7 Professional... I am using Windows 7 Home Premium which is very popular to students and basic computer users. From my CIDM class, I have discovered 5 interesting things about the operating system.

  1. Managing Memory:
One function of an operating system is managing memory. By managing memory, an operating system try “to optimize the use of random access memory (RAM)” (Shelly 141). Like putting stuff in a truck which has its limited space, how much one could be put in does not depend only on how big the truck is but also how he arrange to put things in the truck. A clever person could put more stuff in a truck by optimize the it space than another who just randomly throw stuff into the truck.  In fact, one of areas that Windows 7 is focused most is managing memory. With its 64-bit Windows, the operating system gives computers access to more memory, prevent computers slowing down when users open many programs at the same time. To illustrate, imagine you do an addition involving long numbers in your head. Without being able to remember the numbers in your head, you will take forever to get the result. Likewise, a computer may get frozen if its memory is small and its user open so many programs at the same time. Indeed, the 64-bit version included in Windows 7 Home Premium “… can all use up to 192 GB of memory (far more than even a power user would typically need), making them ideal for specialized computing tasks that require enormous amounts of memory, such as rendering 3D graphics.”[1]

  1. Coordinating Tasks:
The second funcrtion of operating systems is to coordinate task, “[determining] the order in which task are processed” (Shelly 141). To understand how operating system coordinate tasks, let’s visualize a common situation in a restaurant. When a restaurant gets very busy, a manager would coordinate tasks for employees in the most effective way to minimize waiting time of customers. He does not necessarily take orders on first base first come; instead, he would base on types of orders to serve. For example, the 1st and the 3rd customer each wants to order a strawberry smoothie. Since making 2 cups of strawberry smoothie at the same time would save time, the manager would make 2 cups of strawberry smoothie for the 1st and the 3rd customers. The 2nd customer does not wait more because making 1 cup of smoothie takes as long as making 2 cups. Similarly, the manager could minimize waiting times of all the customers by cleverly coordinating task at the most effective way. Similarly, an operating system will coordinate tasks (commands of users) in the most effective to minimize waiting time of the user. Windows 7 Home Premium is focused on maximizing speed of computer. To speed up performance of computer, Window 7 Home Premium has a program called “under-the-hood tune-ups” which “uses less memory when it's idle and less graphics memory when you launch and switch between windows.” Also, the operating software has a program called ReadyBoost which could “speed up your computer by using storage space on most USB flash drives and flash memory cards.”[2] 

3. Controlling a Network: 

The third unction of operating system is to enable computer working in a network called a “server operating system.” According to Shelly’s book Discovering Computers & Microsoft Office 2007, “[a] server operating system is an operating system that organizes and coordinates how multiple users access and share resources on a network” (Shelly 143). In fact, Windows 7 Home Premium has a feature called HomeGroup which is a new program that enable users to effectively connect their computers with other computers in a house to share documents, music, videos, printer… In the other words, with its special feature called HomeGroup, users could easily use connections between computers or other utilities such as printers in a home.  For example, I could print papers  directly from my brother’s printer by using the HomeGroup without having to transfer my files to a medium such as USB. However, it does not means that user may lose their privacy; they could choose to share or not to share whatever they want. For example, if I don’t want to share my pictures with others, I could uncheck the option of sharing pictures. In short, Windows 7 Home Premium has designed HomeGroup to assist users in study, work, or others, but not to cause any problem or incontinence to users.

4. Configuring Devices: 

Another function of an operating system is to configure devices. That is, the operating system will configure how software or applications will communicate to the operating system. The task falls on drivers. According to Shelly’s book Discovering Computers & Microsoft Office 2007,  a driver is “a small program that tells the operating system how to communicate with a specific device” (Shelly 142). In the other words, a driver defines the way a device will interact with the operating system. One of the most popular driver program is Plug and Play which is found on most of USB flash drivers. Indeed, Plug and Play is a program set up to enable an operating system automatically configure the device. For example, if one plugs his USB into a computer, it will be automatically configured in seconds and be ready to use.

5.      Providing a User interface: 
Finally, an operating system also provide user interface which “controls how you enter data and instructions and how information is displayed on the screen” (Shelly 138). There are two types of user interface. The first type called Command-Line Interface is an older type in which users have to write command in words to instruct computers do a specific task. In fact, on the early stage of computers, this was the only way for users to request their computers do something. The second type called Graphical User Interface is newer and mostly used today. “With a graphical user interface, you interact with menus and visual images such as buttons and other graphical objects to issue commands” (Shelly 139). Indeed, Windows 7 Home Premium is specialized on graphical user interface to make computers personal to users. With its new features such as Shake, Peek, or Snap, users would efficiently work on desktop. For example, with Snap feature, users could easily divide the desktop into two halves to use run 2 programs at the same time. Following is the promotional video about some features of Windows 7: 

After learning more about Windows 7 Home Premium, I appreciate that I have it. I could do more things with it and use it more effectively. In fact, I never appreciate it because I did not know what makes Windows 7 Home Premium be more effective than other systems and why anyone is using it. I am fortunate because I was born in time when technology has been developed so much; thus, I could do many things that my grandpa or even my parents could not do before. 

1. “Taking the Mystery out of 64-bit Windows.” Windows.microsoft.com. 2011. Microsoft Corporation. September 26, 2011 < http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/taking-the-mystery-out-of-64-bit-windows>
2. “Performance Improvements.” Windows.microsoft.com. 2011. Microsoft Corporation. September 26, 2011 <http://windows.microsoft.com/en-US/windows7/products/features/performance-improvements>

Monday, September 12, 2011

Captain Evra said We Have to Focus Inspite of Wonderfull Start

No one who concerns about sport of any kind would not know about ESPN. Indeed, ESPN.Com is one of the biggest sport website in the world. It covers almost any kind of sports including: football, basketball, soccer, hockey, race, baseball… On ESPN.Com, users could not only read news but also watch videos such as sport interview or game highlights… Especially, ESPN.Com also has many sub-website for each single sport. In short, it does not matter what sport do you like, you can all go to ESPN.Com to update news about your favorite sport.
The best thing I like about ESPN.Com is that is has a separated page for Manchester United soccer team (MANU) so that the fans could go there for all news about Manchester United. Because I am a crazy fan of Manchester United, I usually go here to read all news about MANU. I never miss a single news about the team! For example, today, I was on the Manchester United page of ESPN.Com and read a news about what Evra, the captain of Manchester United (an international soccer team from England), said as being interviewed. (Actually, when I search for news about Manchester United on Google News, I found this story heading “Evra: We have to stay focused” from ESPN.Com on the first line!) Evra warned his teammates to not over-confident after their destructive winners from the first 4 games. Indeed, Manchester United has enjoyed the new season so far with its winner on all first 4 games against competitive teams including West Brown, Totenham, Arsenal, and Bolton. However, the captain warned his teammates to keep focusing on training and practice because the best competitor Manchester City was also playing very well. They also won all the first 4 games so far. According to Evra, Manchester United will see a great pressure by Manchester United, its neighbor and also enemy for the championship title, because they have so many top class players. Manchester City has spent more than billion to buy super-soccer-stars around the world including Toure, Bary… and most currently Narshi and Aguero. 

Headline of Finance: Upcoming Crisis from Euro worry the Market

It seems that another economic downturn is on the way in Europe and the financial market was reacting. On two of the most famous finance websites, both Yahoo! Finance and MSN Money addressed the current environment of the financial market in Europe in specific and in the world as general.
On the MSN Money website, heading with the title “Get Ready for the Next Crash,” Jim Jubak, reporter of MSN Money, explains what is going in the economy of Europe and its potential affect to the US and the world economy. According to the article, the financial market is expecting a replay of the US crisis in 2008 as many American giant banks went bankrupt in short time, starting with the Lehman Brothers. As the result, a heavy intervene by European Central Bank to bailout some major banks is expected by the financial market. In explaining the situation, the article reports that the root of the crisis came from debt crises in Greece, Italy, Germany, and Spain, and Protégée. Indeed, European banks have hold a huge amount of debt from the governments of these countries. However, because of series of mistakes by bank regulators, and central banks, Greece is showing its difficulty of carrying its debt. As Greek government debts are likely to be default, investors are expecting an expanding European crisis could take place as Greece finally declared default. So what is the suggestion for investors. It is get away from banks. So, investors now should pull money from banks to secure or low risk investment such as US bond because the crisis is taking place. 
Similar to MSN Money, Yahoo! Finance also address the economy in Europe. Heading with the title “Fear of Greek default hurts markets in US, Europe,” Pan Pylas, the reporter of Yahoo! Finance also revealed that a fear of an expanding European crisis is taking place. Anyone is concerning with whether or not Greece will declare default on its government debts. Indeed, the market believes it will be a default eventually. From what is happening on the market currently, the article conclude that the market is expecting a same story of the US recession in 2008. What it means? It means that investors are expecting European Central Bank will do what the US Central Bank did before in 2008; they bailout some major banks. However, the reporter also point out that it is a little difference in the two story because the European Central Bank would not have enough power to intervene as much as the US Central Bank did before. From the article, countries such as Germany, Italy, Spain, and other European countries are preparing to face the upcoming crisis if Greece declare default on its government debts. They are all pessimist and be conservative to save themselves. So what is the suggestion for investors. Not surprisingly, the article agree the article from MSN Money that investors should pull money from banks to invest in secure low risk investment such as US bonds. Anyone should play conservative in bad time. 
From the market overview page on both websites, the current indexes for DJIA is 11.061.12 up .63% from previous day, S&P500 is 1162.27 (up .70% from previous day), and NASDAQ (2,495.09  up 1.10% from previous day) . Below are the charts:

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Welcome to my Blog Rainal.com

Welcome anyone!
Let's me first briefly introduce you about my blog. The main purpose of the blog is to share with you what I have learned about Computer and Microsoft Office 2007. Especially, I want to share with you how computer and technology is important to Business. However, please do not misunderstand me that this blog would only talk about computer and business; I also share with you my best (almost crazy!) interest, Manchester United (MANU). If you are among  the millions of MANU fans, you are my best friends now! In fact, Manchester United is one of the top top famous soccer club in the world. The team is from England and have been so famous for its attractive soccer and its world class players including Wayne Rooney, Vidic, Ferdinand, Nani, Chicharito, Park Ji Sung, Scholes.... Manchester United always proud of its history as the most successful soccer club in England and is currently viewed as real force in Europe. In short, the blog will served for 2 purposes: education and entertainment. From Rainal,com, visitors will learn information about how computer and Miscrosoft Office 2007 influence business and enjoy interesting news about Manchester United.
                            This is my favorite video of Manchester United which showed the moment
                                we became the winner of  Premier League and Champion League.

I was playing around on Youtube and found this interesting video. It show you a tour in the Computer History Museum in Mountain View, CA. It was interesting to see from the video the first computer, first flash drive.... It was amazing. You see how big the computer is? It's really big and weird as compared to computer today. But without the it, we will never see computers as today.